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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  July 9, 2011 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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now, the situation room with candy crow lie in for wolf blitzer begins in just moments. >> a new punch in the gut for jobless americans and the obama white house. this hour the cold hard numbers in a very disappointing jobs report. it's new ammunition for your again talks to prevent america from defaulting on its debt. also this hour one of the best selling newspapers on the planet is shutting down. tainted by a phone hacking scandal. and the political and legal short fallout gross with the arrest of a former aide to the british prime minister. and a chilling new threat to air security. terrorists bent on blowing up bombs surgically implanted in their body. welcome to our viewers. wolf blitzer is off. i'm candy crowley and you're in the situation room.
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>> a lot of pain and not enough gain in the newest snapshot of unemployment in this country. a new report shows 18,000 jobs were created in june. that is so far short of the as many as 125,000 jobs that economists were predicting. the unemployment rate unexpectedly rose to 9.2%, up from 9.1 that brings the total number of unemployed people in the united states up to a whopping 14.1 million people. here's what president obama said about the numbers. >> today's job report confirms what most americans already know. we still have a long way to go and a lot of work to do to give people the security and opportunity that they deserve. we've added more than 2 million new private-sector jobs over the past 16 months but the recession cost us more than 8 million. and that means that we still have a big hole to fill.
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>> we're joined now by our chief white house correspondent, jessica yellin. there's no way to pretty up the report. >> the economy is a dark cloud hanging over the white house and the re-election. they know that. the white house is pointing out and they keep trying to that they were hand ad disastrous economy, they took major steps to correct it. and that they are now blaming congress in essence. they say that the house of representatives in particular, the republicans in the house of representatives are preventing them from using what they view as their remaining tools to get jobs growing, specifically investment in infrastructure, speeding up the patent process and extending the payroll tax holiday which is also now on table as part of the debt talks. >> now that you mentioned the debt talks here's what john boehner had to say. >> after hearing this morning's jobs report i'm sure the american people are still asking the question where are the jobs.
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the stimulus spending bing, excessive government regulations and our overwhelming debt continue to hold back job creators around our country. tax hikes on families and job creators will only make things worse. >> not sure people always see the connection between the debt talks and their lives, the debt talks and unemployment. >> or anything. >> how does the white house see this jobs report figuring into the debt talks? >> okay. so let's talk about what the folks in the white house are saying and then the bigger picture of reality. my sources in the white house believe that the job numbers really do put pressure on all sides to get a deal done on debt talks. voters blame everyone in washington for not doing enough to kick start the economy and stalled debt talk looks like more washington gridlock. the white house is banking on fact that congress's approval ratings are already lower than the white house or the president's, so members of
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congress might worry that they will get even more blame if the debt talks don't go anywhere, and that komo could motivate a . on the other hand, republicans already oppose raising taxes. democrats have been wary touching entitlements. those positions could get more dug in with the sputtering recovery. one point i would add there does seem to be great deal of optimism that if there is a debt deal in itself will help juice up the economy by encouraging major corporations to have faith in investing in the u.s. this is something i hear from both by members of congress and the white house. i wonder if they think they don't know what else to do so let's hope this will. >> that's part of the problem on capitol hill and the white house. they have done a lot, poured a lot of money to create jobs. we're sitting here at 9.2%. you got to go on faith at some point. they keep saying corporations -- >> don't have confidence in washington to get things done.
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and that if they do this there will be more confidence in washington to run the economy, so maybe corporations will start investing now. >> we'll see. have to get the deal first. jessica yellin, thanks so much. even before the latest shocking employment numbers, a recent poll showed strong disfavor for president obama's record on creating jobs. asked how the president is doing on that score, only 38% approved. 57% disapprove. that can only encourage republican presidential candidates as they pounce on these job numbers. what will be the impact on the 2012 race? cnn jim acosta is here. i did see just a blizzard of press releases after the jobs report came out. >> yes. these press releases came out and shot up about as quickly as the space shuttle "atlantis". it was the closest this presidential campaign came to looking to past presidential
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campaigns. i want to talk about what mitt romney had to say about these unemployment numbers and about this jobs report. he seized on something that the president's senior political advisor over the white house said at a bloomberg breakfast a couple of days ago. i want to put this on screen. he said people won't vote based on the unemployment rate they are going to vote based on how do i feel about my own situation? do i believe the president makes decisions based on me and my family. mitt romney in his statement today responding to the jobs report, said, basically that he would fire david plouffe. he said if he were working for me i would fire him and then he could experience firsthand the pain firsthand. his comments are an insults to the more than 0 million people who are out of work, underemployed or who have simply stopped looking for work.
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on friday, the white house press secretary essentially defended what david plouffe had to say, basically doubling down and say people don't look at unemployment numbers when they vote for the president. and so at this point doesn't appear the white house is going take mitt romney's lead and fire david plouffe. >> it would be interesting to see because jessica and i were talking about it adds to the feeling of angst. we got all these independent groups that are out there just already pouring cash into the campaign and making their being known. have they weighed in on these jobless figures? >> you know, it's interesting because you would think that with these jobs report numbers that are out today that all of these outside groups that's going after the president in this upcoming president would have ads ready to go.
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does clear whether karl rove was planning to put this ad together hoping this jobs report would be bad but it is a pretty sharp take on the unemployment situation right now and just want to show you a clip of that right now. >> i supported president obama because he spoke so beautifully. but since then things have gone from bad to much worse. he said spending hundreds of billions on a stimulus would create more jobs. but now all we've got is a lot more debt and more people out of work. >> so that ad shows a woman, you know, lying awake at night worrying about her kids and saying i supported president obama because he spoke so beautifully during the campaign but now it looks like things aren't going so well. candy, this ad is planning to be run in battleground states where people are vulnerable. these outside groups that can raise all sorts of money, unlimited amounts of money to not only target democrats and
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the president they are getting their powder ready. this jobs report gives them more amy anything. >> it does indeed. jim acosta, thanks very much. so why is the employment picture so shockingly bad? joining me now an economist, predicting as much as 125,000 jobs would be added. what the heck happened here, mark? >> well, you know, i think business people are just really very nervous. shell shocked. if anything doesn't stick exactly to the script they freeze. not like they fire people, layoffs are actually quite low but they stopped hiring. we need more hiring to get more job growth. fundamentally the fact that business people are just really nervous. >> sometimes i think we ought to stop forecasting because that makes the reality look so much worse than, you know, you say oh, 125,000.
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but why are businesses reluctant to hire. is there a main reason or is it everything? well i think part of it is the severity of what we've been through. this has been a very severe recession. it's been very debilitating. this will take time for businesses to overcome that. i also think businesses are nervous about various policies that created a great deal of uncertainty and the most pressing problem right now for business people they can't construct a narrative in their mind with respect to how we'll address our fiscal problems. whether we address the debt ceiling in a timely way. until they can get a story line that makes sense to them they are just not going to be very aggressive and hire people. >> i wouldn't think that that scenario and what they need fits very well into an election cycle which we're in, basically. >> well, that's true.
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but we have an opportunity. we do have this now very significant debate with regard to the debt ceiling and i think the talks are moving in the right direction, at least from what i can tell. both parties are talking about $4 trillion in deficit reduction over the next decade. talking about significant spending cuts opinion it's appropriate to consider increase in tax revenue by eliminating or scaling back the deductions and credits in the tax code. these are all the right things to be talking about. they will be very good for the economy if they can actually sign on the dotted line, do these things, raise the debt ceiling in the next couple of weeks i think that will lay the foundation for much better confidence and much better job numbers towards the end the year into next. >> there is also a push out there particularly among democrats for another stimulus program although i don't think they call at it stimulus program, spending some more money on the president's talking about these building bridges, getting some of these construction workers back to
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work. regardless of whether that can pass capitol hill is that a good idea? >> well, i think there's some things we should do. yes. for example we have a payroll tax holiday, 2% this year. it expires at the end the year. probably would make sense given the context of these job numbers to extend that for another year. there's also some discussion about providing a payroll tax holiday for employers, that may also be something to consider. the infrastructure spending idea, you know, from my perspective that's good policy. if we can figure out a good way to finance it where it doesn't add significantly to the budget deficit and i think there are ways to do that. i think everyone should realize that's not going to address our job problem in the next month, next six months, probably not in the next year. that's a solution to the job problem over the next three to five years. >> all right. no such thing as shovel ready is one of the things we've learned from the last stimulus. >> exactly right. >> thank you so much for your insight. we appreciate it.
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as outrage grows over the alleged phone hacking of murder and terror victims the owner of britain's biggest tabloid takes extraordinary action. and a defense attorney for casey anthony tells about the first thing that came to mind when he heard the words not guilty. you're in the situation room. or. introducing the schwab mobile app. it's schwab at your fingertips wherever, whenever you want. one log in lets you monitor all of your balances and transfer between accounts, so your money can move as fast as you do. check out your portfolio, track the market with live updates. and execute trades anywhere and anytime the inspiration hits you. even deposit checks right from your phone. just take a picture, hit deposit and you're done. open an account today and put schwab mobile to work for you. woman: saving for our child's college fund was getting man: yes it was.
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now the demise of one of the most widely read english newspapers on the planet. britain's "news of the world" will shut down after sunday's issue. the tabloid tainted by allegations that journalists tapped the phones of celebrities and murder victims. the editor was arrested in connection with the scandal, a huge embarrassment for the british prime minister because the man andy colson is his former press secretary. more on end of the world. here's dan rivers. >> reporter: it didn't take long for staff from "news of the world" to end up in the local public. in britain losing your job normally includes drinking a pint. >> it was unexpected. it was devastating. >> the 168-year-old at that boyd is a british institution. but the phone hacking scandal
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had left it in a political vortex from which it couldn't these cape. its owner, rupert murdoch realized his entire empire was at risk of being tainted. one can only imagine the conversation he had with his son james who runs the uk business. >> i feel regret. clearly the practices of certain individuals did not live up to the standards and quality of journalism that we believe in and that i believe in. >> reporter: it was the revelation that murdered school girl had been a targeted by journalists from the paper who eves dropped on her cell phone messages that was the beginning of the end for the paper. hacking in to cell phone messages is illegal in the uk. the scandal that "news of the world" had been systematically eavesdropping dropping on people for years was swirling around
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with politicians being told phone hacking was the work of a rogue reporter. but there was suspicion that rebekah brooks must have sanctioned the hacking something she always denied. she's a close friend with prime minister david cameron, an awkward fact. but he said this. >> what this government is doing is making sure that the fact the public and i feel so appalled by what's happened. murder victims, terrorist victims who had their phones hacked is quite disgraceful. >> reporter: one thing that went spla spectacularly wrong for the prime minister was to hire this man. he may now be facing criminal charges. for rupert murdoch, the decision to close "news of the world" doesn't mean the scandal is
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over. there's a police investigation to be faced. on one sunday one thing will end, the "news of the world" printing presses will stop for the very last time. dan rivers, cnn, london. >> the phone hack being of crime victims has rocked a media empire but it all started with celebrities. we'll hear from an angry actor, hugh grant. airlines are warned of the next big threat. terrorists with bombs surgically implanted in their bodies.
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actor hugh grant was among those targeted by. >> ers and he's calling for a full public inquiry into the tabloid phone hacking scandal. he spoke with cnn's richard quest. >> it began with just personal
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grievance. then i ran into an ex featured editor from "news of the world". my car broke down. a long story. anyway he started boasting by hacking me, hacking everyone, all the dirty tricks of the "news of the world", their sinister relationship with the metropolitan police and the prime minister and i thought it was all both fascinating and utterly repulsive. so subsequently i went back to see him, he runs a pub in dover and i dropped in for a pint and a chat and budge him. i budge him back. i was wearing a wire. i got him talking all this stuff again. i published it all. that was my obsession with this. and my outrage. because, you know, it's one thing for there to be a very bad newspaper in the country. but when you start to realize
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it's not one but all of our tabloids that are out of control for a long time and you realize how much collusion there's been from the police and our lawmakers and government who need these tabloids especially the murdock press to get elected you start to think i'm not proud of my country any more. this is not the democracy i thought i was proud of. >> what do you now want from the authorities? you've said you have no confidence in an investigation by news international and newscorp. i suspect you don't have a huge amount of confidence in the investigation by the metropolitan police. what is it now you want? >> the old police investigation is now widely regarded as having been a farce. they dragged their feet. they were in the pocket of murdock. there's a new police investigation. it's more vigorous. they've been to see me. but it won't be enough. what we need is a big public
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inquiry into all the methods and the whole culture of tabloid press in this country. that's one thing. people can vote very much with their wallets. they just don't have to buy these papers. acquitted of murder but convicted of lying to police. what's next for casey anthony? plus al qaeda making a come back in afghanistan. details of bold new attacks on u.s. forces. how'd you do it? eating right, whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios... five whole grains, 110 calories. ♪ [ doug ] i got to figure this out. ♪ [ dr. ling ] i want to spend more time with my patients. [ jim ] i need to build a new app for the sales team in beijing. [ mrs. davis ] i need to make science as exciting as a video game. ♪ [ jim ] i need to push out a software upgrade. [ dr. ling ] review ms. cooper's history. [ doug ] i need to cut i.t. costs.
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it was the climax of one of the most closely watched murder trials in recent memory and many observers were stunned when casey anthony was found not guilty of murdering her 2-year-old daughter caylee. she was convicted of four counts of lying to police. with time served she's due to be released from prison a week from tomorrow. >> reporter: it was a very different looking casey anthony who faced judge belvin perry for
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sentencing, letting her hair down for the first time since the trial began, talking and smiling. and there was a rare bit of humor as judge perry asked her attorneys if they still wanted to pursue that mistrial issue, something that was pointless by clearing anthony's charges of killing her tower. >> you had asked me to reserve ruling on your motion for mistrial. >> withdraw that your honor. >> that takes care of that. >> reporter: then down the business of sentencing. for her four misdeamnor convictions of lining to police. her attorneys argued they should be reduced to one citing double jeopardy. >> before sentencing we respect the court address the violation of double jeopardy respects to counts v, vi and vii. it arose during the interview.
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providing false information to a law enforcement was a single act. as such each false statement violates double jeopardy and must be reduced to one conviction. >> but judge perry disagreed said her lies sent authorities on four different wild goose chases. >> as a result of those four separate and distinct lies, law enforcement expended a great deal of time, energy and manpower looking for young caylee marie anthony. >> reporter: and then came the judgment. >> i will sentence you to one year in the orange county jail, imposing a $1,000 fine on each
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count. all four counts to run consecutive to each other, giving you credit for the time that you have previously served. >> reporter: realizing she wasn't going free today the smile was gone from casey's face. it would take the court the rest of the morning to do the complicated math of time served and good behavior to come up with a release date. outside the courthouse, police were prepared for any possible reaction. beefing up security with deputies on horseback and a helicopter overhead. the crowds may have been smaller than expected but reflected the huge debate that raged on air and online since tuesday's verdict. anthony's legal troubles are far from over. the state of florida has filed a motion to bill her for what it calls special investigation and prosecution costs, a woman who
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says anthony falsely identified her as the nanny who kidnapped caylee has filed a lawsuit and the rescue group texas equusearch said it's considering suing anthony for the more than $100,000 the group said it spent looking for caylee. all seem to be eyeing the money many expect anthony could make from her new found fame once she's free which by the way will be almost exactly three years since caylee was reported missing, july 15, 2008, by her frantic grandmother. >> 911, what's your emergency. >> i found my granddaughter has been taken. >> reporter: the call that started it all. martin savage, orlando. >> for more on the sentencing i talked with our senior legal advisor. jeff, thanks for joining us on this. casey anthony is going to get out of jail next week and go free after her not guilty verdict. can you explain to us how the
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judge came to, all right she has to spend another week in jail. >> what happened was she was acquitted of all the serious charges but she was convicted of four misdeamnors, which were involving lying to the police. the judge gave her the maximum, but misdeamnors only come with a maximum of one year each. so he sentenced her to four years in prison, four one year misdeamnors to be served consecutively. celestial been in prison for three years. florida like most states give prisoners credit if they behave well in prison as casey anthony apparently did. with those credits she essentially has already served the equivalent of four years, so by next year she will have completed her sentence with the time she served. >> by next week. >> i'm sorry by next week. >> so, he didn't really have any
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discretion. this was a math equation. >> he had discretion to give her less but he gave her the max that he possibly could. once he gave the max those calculations about time served, good time that's outside of his control. he couldn't sentence her to longer than next week. >> so, there was some sort of talk earlier in the day that this was his way of trying to protect her, that maybe the hue and cry will die down by then but you think this was the way of him giving her the max that he could give her. >> i thought it was very moving the way the judge summarized the false statements that casey anthony made which were so appalling. imagine, you know, most people are frantic when they lose sight of their kid in the mall for a minute. casey anthony went month after month deceiving the authorities about the fate of her daughter. and the judge went through that.
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you could tell in his low key way how appalled he was. he did everything he could but this is what happens when the defense wins a case. misdeamnors are minor crimes. and so he didn't have any more discretion than he exercised to give her any more than he could. >> casey anthony wakes up in jail. it's her day to be set free. what happens? >> well, there will undoubtedly be made between authorities in florida and her lawyers to try to make it as uncircus like as possible. presumably her lawyers will have arranged some sort of hotel room, some sort of friends place so that she can go somewhere where she will at least be protected from the surge of attention. i mean, the ways of the media being the way they are, there's going a huge surge when she gets released. it will die down after a couple of days. i think then she will have to
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start figuring out what she will do with the rest of her life. which i hope is no contact with children and somewhere outside of the state of florida. >> quickly, if i could, jeffrey, the state now wants casey anthony to pay for the police investigation that resulted in her saying that her daughter was missing even though we now know she knew her daughter of dead. is that going to happen? >> well, you know, these civil cases are very different from criminal cases. the criminal cases really have to be resolved. the civil cases kick around the courts for a long time. at the moment casey anthony doesn't have any money at all. there's an irs audit against her. a judgment against her. the irs is always first in line for money. so frankly i don't think anything will come of these civil lawsuits except from uncle sam because uncle sam always gets his money. >> that much we cho for sure. thanks so much for your time. appreciate it. how did casey anthony's lawyers react to her acquittal?
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we'll hear from one of them in his first post-trial interview. plus a chilling new terror tactic, surgically implanted bombs. ♪ when skies are grey ♪ you'll never know, dear ♪ how much i love you ♪ please don't take my sunshine away ♪ [ male announcer ] as long as there are babies, they'll be chevy's to bring them home. ♪ it's schwab at your fingertips wherever, whenever you want. one log in lets you monitor all of your balances and transfer between accounts, so your money can move as fast as you do. check out your portfolio, track the market with live updates. and execute trades anywhere and anytime the inspiration hits you. even deposit checks right from your phone. just take a picture, hit deposit and you're done. open an account today and put schwab mobile to work for you.
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casey anthony's attorneys are speaking out about the verdicts. earlier defense lawyer cheney mason talked to jean casarez of "in session" on trutv. >> when you sat in the courtroom and you heard that not guilty for count i, do you remember the first thing that came into your mind? >> yeah. i took a breath. and i said oh, well now, you know, now i can relax a little bit because we know that there's no penalty phase, there's no death penalty.
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instant. like that. and waited to hear hat not a couple more times. greatest word in the courtroom, not. >> were you shocked? >> i wouldn't say shocked. certainly a great deal of anxiety, waiting for the verdict as there always is. i mean i'm not even sure how many jury trials i've done at this point in the last 40 years. i don't remember ever whether a minor case or other homicide cases that i didn't have a breath deal of anxiety waiting on that jury. i've had juries out a long time. one, i remember, was out for 12 days. you talk about building some anxiety or pressure with that. surprised? strongly surprised. skeptical. not because of the jury.
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we thought we had a good jury. but because of the relentless news media conviction of casey for the past three years. you know, no matter, same thing. should have been villified by the news media and talking head lawyers who don't have experience or qualifications to say the things that came out of their mouth. we were up against it. so, surprised, yes. pleasantly surprised, obviously. >> what did you learn about casey during the course of this trial that you didn't know before the trial? >> tough. she's got guts. she's as tough as they come. and she's very smart. she's very alert.
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quick. and, you know, you get to like her. she's a likeable person. she wants to reach over and clean the scraps of paper or cups off the counsel table, like she's, you know, that's her job or something. and of course i remember hearing some of the witnesses talk about, when she was with her friends in different apartments she was the one doing the cooking and cleaning and shopping and helping everybody and that's the way she is. >> she seemed to have a lot of anger inside of her, though. we saw various emotions but i probably think the most predominant emotion i saw was anger in that courtroom. >> frequently. and i can't imagine anybody not being angry with some of the testimony from people that were friends or some of her family throwing her under the bus, you know. she's the one that knows it's unjustified. and, yeah, that would make me pretty angry too.
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of course the news media, every day, having a compulsion to have a story even if all they could do is make it up. and skew the facts far from the truth. makes you angry. so, yeah. >> how did caylee anthony die? >> i know nothing different than what has been presented. she drowned in the pool. and there's never been anything different than that. >> do you believe that? >> yes, i believe it. i have no reason to think otherwise. terrorists may have a frightening new strategy for attacking airliners. a new warning is issued on surgically implanted bombs. and after nearly a decade of war in afghanistan, al qaeda is making a come back even as the u.s. prepares to draw down its troops.
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word this week of a potential new threat to air travel. first there was the shoe bomber, then the underwear bomber, their plots to blow up airliners failed at the last moment. now a new tactic that terrorists are trying to adopt turning their own bodies into bombs. brian todd is looking into this. >> terrorist groups might do
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this by surgically implanting bombs inside attackers bodies. a chilling tactic designed to circumvent full body scanners and other sophisticated technology. u.s. security officials tell cnn of a chilling tactic terrorists might try next. targeting commercial aircraft by surgically implanting explosives or bomb components inside the bodies of attackers. >> we see this as the latest evolution of what terrorist groups are trying to do to circumvent our security layers and to perhaps defeat our societal norms. >> officials say terrorists have a renewed interest in planting bombs in bodies but there's no imminent threat. one u.s. official said a man suspected in this involvement, a bomb making mastermind for al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. he's believed to have planned the 2009 plot to kill saudi arabia's interior minister by
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placing a bosh in the underwear of his own brother. his brother was killed but the minister escaped. i asked israel's top aviation security official about surgically implanted bombs. >> what does this tell you? >> it tells me that we have exhausted the capabilities of the technology available to us. there's no way we can take the next step after the body scanners to figure out when a person carries a device inside his body. >> experts say those full body scanners which we once tested out can see through clothing, can find prosthesis, breast implants, contours but can't detect bombs inside the body. i spoke with chief trauma surgeon at washington hospital center about how terrorists might try to pull this off. >> do you need a hospital or can you do it in a terrorist field camp? what kind of training do you need? >> the fundamental question will be how well do you want to do it? if you want to do it to 20
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people and have 19 of them die and one success you can send on your that sloppy. if you wanted to do it well, and expect them all to remain sterile, i think you're largely going to be talking about a hospital or a clinic's thing. >> explosives could be implanted in the abdomen or elsewhere, it could be placed in a prosthetic device like a fake hip or breast implant. it may last three to four days inside a body before complications set in. candy? >> two questions come to mind, how do you detonate a bomb inside one's body. if it's inside the body, doesn't that blunt the impact of the bomb itself? >> there's debate among experts over both those questions. some experts say you would need an external detonator for this. others say it could be done on a timer, on the blunting of the
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impact some say the body itself would blunt the impact and such an explosion couldn't bring down an airliner. others say it takes a few grams of that explosive to puncture the fuselage of an aircraft, if a terrorist had more than a few grams of that inside his body, it could maybe bring down an aircraft. they're trying to figure out a lot of this as we go. >> you don't get to the point where you say, it won't bring down an airline, if you didn't want it there in the first place. >> now to afghanistan and the hunt for al qaeda forces on the move and regrouping. cnn's nick payton walsh is with u.s. troops and local forces along afghanistan's border. >> almost a decade in, the hunt for al qaeda in one part of eastern afghanistan looks like this. americans pushing the afghans to the front, taking the high ground. the pressure for less americans here is extreme, but the afghans
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only mustered five men for this patrol. >> we shoot, it's got to be five to seven rounds first. go! >> they're barely policing the local villagers, let alone taking on the very terrorist network america came here to eradicate. it's here that afghanistan's future looks a lot like its past. american control does not extend up on this valley. they found safe havens for al qaeda. u.s. and afghan officials have revealed to cnn they located here al qaeda fighters using the is a included alpine villages for training and planning. in june, hundreds of americans were airlifted in, 9,000 feet up. they faced a longer flight than planned. u.s. officials say they killed 120 insurgents. many taliban, but several of them arabs linked to al qaeda
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damaging their network. the clashes reveal that al qaeda for years, said to be mostly across the border in pakistan is a concern back where they started in afghanistan's hills. we pushed down into the valley, still an insurgent strong hold. high-tech american attack helicopters buzzed overhead until militants shot at them from the valley. >> it's uncharacteristic from the taliban i know. they're getting gutsy. right past there. if you go past that you're going to take enemy contact, it's pretty certain. >> the afghans are clear about who lay in weight for them ahead. >> translator: it's very dangerous, there are taliban, arabs, pakistanis there. >> at the foot of the valley, the american base is often hit by pot shots, sometimes from
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lone gunmen up high who they then mortar. al qaeda's return to these remote hills could tie america's hands, making harder to justify pulling back from here. the terrorist network that made america's case for invading. nick payton walsh, cnn afghanistan. here at quicken loans, we like to go the extra mile for our clients. with the wassman family, it was 2,500 extra miles. we're the wassman family from skagway, alaska. livin' so far out and not havin' a bank within 90 miles...
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it seems everyone had a reaction to the casey anthony verdict. here's cnn's jeanne moos. >> reporter: it only took two words to finally get a smile out of casey anthony. but not guilty was not music to everyone's ears. from nancy grace -- >> the devil is dancing tonight. >> to the cartoonist who portrayed casey anthony putting duct tape around the eyes of lady justice. >> what is your reaction, geraldo? >> oh, my god! >> the judgment even had the fox news family at each other's throats momentarily. >> this is a good mother. >> oh, bull.
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>> and this -- >> not guilty. >> -- took many people back to this. >> we've been o.j.ed. >> reporter: you probably wouldn't expect a talk show hostess to choke up. >> the verdict in the casey anthony -- >> are you okay? >> help me unite here. >> if you think human hosts were shocked. >> stunning blows. >> reporter: imagine how the animal kingdom reacted to the casey anthony verdict from dogs to alpacas. >> jay learned that a murder trial joke can bomb like a closing argument. you know what this means? president obama's economic team is only the second most clueless people in america. did the mike go off? >> no, you're good. >> some folks shot themselves
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reacting to the verdict as it was handed down. >> oh, here we go. >> parking themselves in front of their tv's and posting their reactions on youtube. so tense they chewed on remotes. took breaths as if at a lamasse class. >> first degree -- >> there was something creepy about watching the verdict with a toddler. >> good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. >> these viewers made nancy grace seem zen. >> oh! >> what? ! >> what? >> leave it to your toddler to lay down the law. jeanne moos, cnn, new i'll be here tomorrow morning for state of the union at 9:00 and noon, with kevin